The kick start guide for javascript beginners.
If you are following the tech trends, then you probably come across the statement “Javascript is everywhere”. Yeah, you heard it right. Javascript is now everywhere and already started gaining attraction among clients and investors. It is the easiest and funniest programming language on the earth. Now it has the ability to run in browsers as well as servers with the help of Node JS. Adding to that, you can even develop mobile and desktop applications using javascript. Let’s get straight to the topic. Getting started with javascript is super easy as you need only a browser. By pressing “Ctrl +Shift + I” in windows or Linux and “CMD + Shift+ I” you can get developer tools where you can start writing code right away. Before you pass the halfway journey of Javascript (any other language), you must be familiar with the things below. Make sure you are familiar with these concepts before the deeper dive.
Operating System
- Linux (Recommended: Ubuntu)
- Windows (Recommended: 8.1 and above)
- Mac
Code Editor (pick anyone depends on your convenience)
- Visual Studio Code (recommended).
- Atom
- Sublime
Web browser (pick anyone depends on your convenience)
- Google Chrome (recommended).
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Internet Explorer (not recommended)
Beginner JS concepts
1. Variables
var, let, const
types: number, string, boolean, function, date, objects, arrays, null, undefined
2. Operators
Arithmatic Operators
- Add +
- Subtract -
- Multiplication *
- Division /
- Increment ++
- Decrement —
- Remainder %
- Power ^
- Exponent **
Comparision Operators
- Equals ==
- Equals with type checking ===
- Not Equals !=
- Not Equals with type checking !==
- Less than <
- Greater than >
Logical Operators
- AND &&
- OR ||
3. Conditional Statements
- if and if-else
- switch
4. Loops (iterations)
- while
- do-while
- for loop (traditional)
- forEach
- ES-6 loops (for in, for of) we will discuss more on this later
5. Functions (with and without return types)
- Normal (traditional) functions (functions with name)
- Anonymous function (functions without a name)
- Arrow functions (ES-6)