What the hell is docker 🐳? (Bonus: Docker cheatsheet 🤓)

What the hell is docker? with bonus cheatsheet image

What is a docker?

Docker is a tool that lets you build, run and ship the application irrespective of which platform or operating system you use. Let's take the real-world scenario.

Tester 🤷🏻‍♂️: This feature is not working on my machine 😤.

Developer 🧑🏻‍💻: It is working on my machine 😭 !

Docker 🐳: Hold on guys, I am here to help you 😎.

The above scenario is faced by all the developers and testers in all organizations. Like the person docker 🐳 said, the docker can easily address this scenario 💯.

Alternate for docker: Virtual machine.

Limitations of the virtual machine 👎🏻: 

  • Slow to start
  • Resource intensive
  • Need licensed OS
  • Lack of hardware resources.

Advantages of docker over virtual machines 🤞🏻:
  • No need for a full Operating system
  • Lightweight.
  • Starts quickly
  • Need lesser hardware resources.
  • Allows multiple apps.

Docker cheatsheet (Bonus) 🫶🏻:
Cheatsheet for Docker
Courtesy: https://dockerlabs.collabnix.com

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